The Year that Was!
Well, even before COVID we were embarking on a lot of change. Not least the decision to move north, away from the Oxford area after 10 years enjoying everything it had to offer, including the lovely riding. That being said, and as a Lancastrian myself, we are both really excited about the lifestyle up here, definitely for the riding but also other pursuits and the general way of life. Only being here 3 days it's nice to get back into the slower pace of life; maybe that will suit the tandem more! So, that's what's to come. In the meantime I realise the last post was April 2019, just following the Isle of Wight tour, wow. Just going back through the Strava data, we've done a lot of riding since then on Betty. Not crazy miles, but at least 50 activities mostly around the 20-30 miles mark around Oxford. Some rides have been really memorable, discovering new bridleways and gravel tracks, which seems to be a natural 'hunting ground' for Betty. That being said we di...